Shane Schneck’s Bowler Table is a compact side table that is ideal for small spaces. The single tube that extends upwards creates a defined profile, which doubles as a functional handle too. The stem, handle and tray are made in powder coated steel, with a solid granite base that provides stability, yet it is still lightweight enough to move around. Bowler comes flat packed and is easy to assemble, making it suitable for all kinds of domestic and corporate environments.
Shane Schneck’s Bowler Table is a compact side table that is ideal for small spaces. The single tube that extends upwards creates a defined profile, which doubles as a functional handle too. The stem, handle and tray are made in powder coated steel, with a solid granite base that provides stability, yet it is still lightweight enough to move around. Bowler comes flat packed and is easy to assemble, making it suitable for all kinds of domestic and corporate environments.
Shane Schneck’s Bowler Table is a compact side table that is ideal for small spaces. The single tube that extends upwards creates a defined profile, which doubles as a functional handle too. The stem, handle and tray are made in powder coated steel, with a solid granite base that provides stability, yet it is still lightweight enough to move around. Bowler comes flat packed and is easy to assemble, making it suitable for all kinds of domestic and corporate environments.

ベンダー: Design Story Inc


在庫あり 利用不可

通常価格 ₱16,800.00 セール

シェーン・シュネックのボウラーテーブルは、狭いスペースに最適なコンパクトなサイドテーブルです。上向きに延びる単一のチューブは明確なプロファイルを作成し、機能的なハンドルとしても機能します。ステム、ハンドル、トレイは粉体塗装されたスチールで作られており、安定性を提供する固体の花崗岩のベースを備えていますが、それでも十分に移動できるほど軽量です。ボウラーは平らに梱包されており、組み立てが簡単なので、あらゆる種類の家庭および企業環境に適しています。 ブランド: ヘイ100% 認定された HAY 製品 粉体塗装されたプレス板金トレイ。粉体塗装されたソリッドスチールハンドル。花崗岩のベース。 Ø36×H70.5cm お手入れ方法はこちらからアクセスしてください